CCHA Sponsors Legislation to Modernize the California Children's Services Program
SB 424 (Durazo) would make life-saving medical care for critically ill children accessible and affordable for more families
Physician residents and fellows from all eight of CCHA’s member hospitals participated in Resident Advocacy Day in Sacramento on March 6, 2024. Residents heard from guest speakers including Assembly Member Mia Bonta (AD 18), Chair of Assembly Health Committee, and Lupe Alonso-Diaz, President and CEO for Physicians for a Healthy California.
California's Department of Health Care Services is proposing changes to state law that would shift case management and referral responsibilities for children with medical complexity to Medi-Cal managed care in 15 additional counties, starting in 2024.
Increased funding is needed in the Children's Hospital Graduate Medical Education program to support pediatric workforce training.
Watch our overview of children's hospitals and the critical issues we will be facing in 2023.